7 Tips for Choosing a Profile Photo on a Dating App

Flirtini Blog
3 min readSep 1, 2021

The first impression of a potential partner is formed with the profile photo. The more interesting it is, the more responses it will get. You don’t need to create an entire gallery, but a single photo is not enough. The optimal number is 4–5 photos shot from different angles.

Here are the main rules for selecting a photo for your dating profile:

Eye contact

Post photos in which you are looking directly at the camera in a friendly way. This means making eye contact with potential partners. Such photos immediately create an atmosphere of trust and friendliness. At least one shot should be with an open, cheerful face and without sunglasses. For girls, daytime makeup in calm natural tones is preferable.


Visualize something very cute and enjoyable, or think of a funny scene while filming. Being natural is always attractive. At least one profile picture should be with a friendly, smiling face.

Choose the right main photo

A common mistake is setting a group photo as your profile picture. No support group is required on a dating site. Give a chance to those interested to look at you properly. A full-length close-up in a relaxed pose is best suited for this. Don’t use selfies, even the most successful ones. This may suggest you are a sociophobe. Traditional photographs are recommended in this case.

Reveal your interests

Do you have something to surprise or be proud about? Post your best pictures from sports events, with a parachute behind your back, or while climbing a steep mountain. This way you have a chance not only to arouse genuine interest in your personality, but also to casually show off your physique in a romantic setting.

Pictures with friends or family

Let these be as neutral as possible. Use natural attractions, your office, or your home walls as a background. Avoid photos in which you are drinking alcohol or smoking. Just in case, hide the faces of other people in the photo. They may not want the publicity!

Monitor the quality of your photos

The perfect solution is professional photographs with a beautiful background and optimal lighting that emphasize the advantages of your appearance. Avoid excessive strictness and tension, though.

Don’t add old pictures

No matter how cool and high quality they are, don’t use them. Perhaps, your fresh and youthful face looked more attractive in the past than it does now. However, the truth will come out and may cause disappointment and confusion. Upload photos no older than two months old and don’t forget to update them after significant changes in your appearance (getting a new hair color, changing a hairstyle or clothing size). Don’t let the background take attention away from you. A photo near an erupting volcano is spectacular, but consider whether you can compete with the streams of boiling lava.

Follow these simple tips to find the best photos for your profile and meet your soul mate.



Flirtini Blog

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